Cannonball Abs
/Cannonball Abs
Core Stability vs. Six-Pack Abs: The Truth About Abdominal Training
If you're here looking for the secret to washboard abs or the "six-pack shortcut," I’m going to save you some time: this isn’t that kind of article. If that’s your goal, grab a copy of Muscle & Fiction magazine and focus on your diet. Six-pack abs are 100% made in the kitchen, but we’re here to talk about something far more important: core stability.
As a coach with decades of experience in strength and conditioning, I’ve seen far too many athletes chase six-pack abs without understanding the role of their core. Your core isn’t just for aesthetics; it’s your body’s built-in weight belt, protecting your spine during movement and heavy lifts. Let’s break down what your core does and how to train it effectively.
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The Real Role of Your Abdominals
Despite what popular abdominal training regimens might suggest, your abs’ primary function isn’t movement—it’s resisting movement to stabilize your spine. Think of your spine as a mobile column. This mobility is great for flexibility, but it also makes the spine vulnerable to injuries like fractures and disc pathologies. That’s where your core comes in. It’s the stabilizing force that keeps your spine safe during various activities, from running to lifting weights.
The muscles of your core—including your abdominals, obliques, and lower back—work to resist flexion (bending forward), extension (arching backward), and lateral bending (side to side). In essence, your core keeps your spine in a neutral, safe position under stress.
Discover what your core truly is, its essential role in stabilizing your body, and how to train it effectively to build an athletic core. In this video, I’ll break down the science of core stability, why traditional crunches might not be your best bet, and introduce smarter exercises
Why Sit-Ups and Crunches Are Overrated
We’ve all heard stories about someone throwing out their back while doing something simple, like bending over to tie their shoe. Often, the culprit is a weak or improperly trained core. When your spine flexes forward repeatedly—as it does during sit-ups and crunches—you’re placing undue stress on your discs. Over time, this can lead to injuries like herniated discs.
Traditional abdominal exercises like crunches reinforce this vulnerable flexed position. Sure, they might "burn" your abs, but at what cost? The strain you’re putting on your spine—from your neck all the way to your lower back—isn’t worth it. And unless you’re sitting up out of bed or performing an identical movement in your sport, sit-ups have little real-world functionality.
Smarter Abdominal Training: Cannonball Abs
Instead of crunches, focus on training your core to resist movement and stabilize the spine. Exercises like planks, deadlifts, and overhead presses challenge your core in a way that mirrors how it functions in daily life and athletics. These exercises load your spine, requiring your core to resist both flexion and extension.
For those looking to level up, add these cannonball exercises to your routine:
Cannonball Crunches: Unlike traditional crunches, these focus on engaging your entire core by resisting momentum as you move. Start in a seated position, hug your knees to your chest, and slowly extend your legs out without letting your lower back lose contact with the floor.
Dead Bugs: Lie on your back with your arms and legs up. Lower one arm and the opposite leg simultaneously while keeping your lower back flat against the ground.
Unilateral Kettlebell Loaded Deadbugs
Anti-Rotation Press (Pallof Press): Using a resistance band or cable machine, press forward with your hands while resisting the pull of the band, keeping your torso stable.
Build core stability with precision - a powerful exercise to strengthen your core and improve stability. Watch to master this essential core exercise!
Front Planks with Reach: From a plank position, extend one arm forward while keeping your hips square and stable.
These exercises train your core to resist movement, build true strength, and, yes, with proper diet, help reveal those six-pack abs.
How Often Should You Train Your Abs?
One of the most common questions I hear is, "How many times a week should I do abs to get a six-pack?" Here’s the answer: quality over quantity. Training your core 2-3 times per week is sufficient if you’re focusing on functional, stability-based exercises. Recovery is just as important as training, especially for your core, which works overtime in almost every movement you perform.
Six-Pack Abs: Men vs. Women
Let’s address the elephant in the room. The way six-pack abs appear in men vs. women depends on body fat percentage and genetics. For men, abs become visible around 10-15% body fat; for women, it’s closer to 18-22%. However, visible abs don’t necessarily mean a strong core. Athletes of all genders should prioritize functionality and stability over aesthetics.
Learn more about Body Composition in Swimming and how it impacts your performance
Take It From the Pros
Don’t just take my word for it. Spine specialist Dr. Stuart McGill has done groundbreaking research on core training and spinal health. His findings emphasize that exercises prioritizing stability over repetitive spinal flexion—like planks and loaded carries—not only prevent injuries but also improve athletic performance.
Source: Core Training: Evidence Translating to Better Performance and Injury Prevention
Wrapping It Up
Core training is about more than achieving "six-pack abs." It’s about building a foundation that protects your spine, enhances your athletic performance, and keeps you injury-free. By focusing on exercises that resist movement and stabilize the spine, you’ll develop cannonball-strength abdominals—and yes, with the right diet, the six-pack will follow.
Ready to take your core training to the next level? Let’s connect and customize a program tailored to your needs. Together, we’ll build strength from the inside out.